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2 Replies


In Sign, Currently I only see based on email notifications.
I want to display signing requests when using with a Web browser, instead of via Email. You guys just help me
Best Answer

My suggestion would be to look into integrating your sign workflow with a web browser through an SDK. This can allow you to view signing requests directly in the browser, instead of via email notifications.

Best Answer

Hi, MrTo

Without any customization, you can use the "Signature Requests Items" under Configuration to display the state of each of the signing requests generated. You can set the Filters to the  following conditions to display all signing requests pertaining to yourself. Remember set it to favorite so that you can reuse it. 

Set two filters 

1. State is "To Sign" and 

2. Contact is equal to / contain your name or email

This will list all the signing request that related to you. If you remove the filters, the system show you all the sign request and its State (whether is Draft, To Sign or Complete)

Hope this help 
