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2 Replies


I would like to know the meaning of de report that is at the end of de menu Inventory/Reporting/Warehouse analysis.

I suppose that is about transfers but i don´t understand de calculations.

For example, the column data, and the numbers +0, +1..

I have some assumptions but I´m not sure.

thank you!


V13 Enterprise

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El 16/09/2020 a las 11:14 a. m., Rashid Shahid escribió:

Did you figure this out?

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Eleonora Troya - Analista Funcional
Quanam - Una Empresa de Conocimiento e Innovación

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Tel: (+598) 29022118 int. 1132 |
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Best Answer


The methodology of the cohort view is based on providing information for the next 15 days months or years. As you see in the image just say 5th June 2020 to the right of this date you can see the count of operations to the right it depicts the upcoming days. There is a 15-day window provided by the columns +0,+1,.....+15 which describes the date plus the number count. Thus the user can understand the information from a selected date up to fifteen days after the selected date.

Hope it helps

Best Answer

Сould someone help me figure this table out? I can't find information about this anywhere so far!
